Black Seed Oil 8oz Front Label

Black Seed Oil CardioPLUS is the most potent and powerful total cardiovascular support available. It packs three power-houses together, thymoquinone-rich oil of black seed, Mediterranean pomegranate concentrate, and muscadine skin concentrate. You get four great potencies: thymoquinone, which works in the heart and on the brain stem, resveratrol, ellagic acid, and punicalagins. That’s why nothing can match Black Seed Oil CardioPLUS for heart and arterial support.

100% cold-pressed extra virgin black nigella seed oil (Nigella sativa), black cumin (seed) oil, raw muscadine grape, pomegranate concentrate

Take one or more teaspoons daily. Makes a tasty addition to any food such as salad, soup, or vegetables. Also add to smoothies.