Support your bone density and joint health with this wild spice formula based on scientific studies. Wild oregano, combined with wild rosemary sage and raw New Zealand grass-fed bone, gives you real power. Nothing is as potent as this combination, and there is no need to take high-dose calcium plus synthetic vitamin D. Take advantage of it for better health.
Raw hydroxyapatite (MCHC) powder, wild, high-moutain oregano (herb), wild sage (herb), wild rosemary (herb)
Take two capsules daily. Open and add to smoothies. Taking with vinegar or citrus juice aids in absorption.
FOR PETS*: Open one capsule, sprinkle ½ capsule for small animals. Entire capsule for large animals.
*The instructions and dosages recommended are based only on the ingredients used in North American Herb & Spice pet friendly products. Substitutes has proven dangerous, especially oregano products.