This is the original wild, raw, unprocessed remote northern Canadian triple wild greens detox mix. Because it’s raw, the enzymes are intact, which makes this ultra-powerful. Use it to support a healthier, natural elimination response, both in the urinary system and intestines. Use it also to support healthy power and energy, as it works on the liver and gallbladder reflexes.
Wild, raw dandelion extract, wild, raw nettles extract, wild, raw burdock leaf extract
Take 10 drops under the tongue or in juice/water twice daily. For major cleansing take 20 drops two times daily.
FOR PETS*: Start with a few drops in water. For large animals you can use a dropper up to a ½ dropper. teaspoon.
*The instructions and dosages recommended are based only on the ingredients used in North American Herb & Spice pet friendly products. Substitutes has proven dangerous, especially oregano products.